We’d love to see you
this Sunday!

Church at 10:00am

Our location

Christ Church
Northern Beaches

3 King Street
Manly Vale, NSW 2093

(02) 8456 3640


Driving & parking

Ample street parking is available along King Street.

Public transport

Catch a bus to Condamine Street, opposite Manly Vale Community Centre. CCNB is a short 100m walk from this bus stop.


Got questions?


What time is church?

We run one church services each Sunday at 10:00am.

Our 10:00am service is popular and caters to families, young adults and older folk.

What is church like?

Church begins with a few worship songs led by our live band. Following this is a time of prayer (talking to God) and then a time of Bible reading (hearing from God).

Each week we hear a Bible-based talk preaching by one of our pastors. After the sermon, our service finishes up with a few more songs before an informal opportunity after the service to meet people over a cup of coffee or tea.

How long does church run for?

Each service runs for approximately 75 minutes.

Do I need to wear or bring anything in particular?

You are invited to join us just as you are! There is no special dress-code. Being on the northern beaches, most people will be wearing fairly casual clothes! Bibles are provided to follow along if you like.

What kind of church is CCNB?

Christ Church Northern Beaches is a local Anglican church, part of the Anglican Diocese of Sydney.

I have a different question…

Any and all questions are welcome. Feel free to get in touch with our staff team and we will be in touch soon!